We endorse an open access policy regarding our data and published results. All interested parties are free to evaluate our data and analyses. You are not allowed to publish from this data without the expressed written consent of the Lab Director (Robert D. Dvorak, PhD). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the Lab Director at robert.dvorak@ndsu.edu.

                                        Associated files from published research 

Fitting In and Standing Out: Increasing the Use of Alcohol Protective Behavioral Strategies with a Deviance Regulation Intervention 

Stata Data         .csv Data          Stata .do file          Mplus Data         Mplus code 1         Mplus output 1

Mplus code 2           Mplus output 2    Power Analysis for Larger Clinical Trial

The five-factor model of impulsivity-like traits and emotional lability in aggressive behavior.

Stata Data          .csv Data          Stata .do file          Text of analysis

Self-regulation and alcohol use involvement: A latent class analysis

Mplus.dta  Mplus LCA 2 classes output      Mplus LCA 3 classes output     LCA 4 classes class output 

LCA 5 classes class output 

Mania and sexual risk: Associations with behavioral self-regulation 

Stata Data          .csv Data          Stata .do file          Text of analysis

Marijuana and Self-regulation: Examining Likelihood and Intensity of Use and Problems 

Stata Data          Stata .do file          Text of analysis

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